Baby Sign Language

Upcoming Classes
  • Communicate

  • Your baby can sign before they can talk!
  • Bond

  • Learn signs together!
  • Develop their Speech

  • Your baby has so much to tell you!


Your baby can sign before they can talk!


Learn signs together!

Develop their Speech

Your baby has so much to tell you!


Serena is a great sign teacher who loves her job.  We started when Max was about 7 months and he did his first sign shortly after his first birthday. I counted the other day and he now has over 50 signs.

It was a great help to us when Max was learning to talk.  He could sign a lot more than he could say, so he could tell us what he wanted.

One day he was pointing at a man wearing a hat while signing ‘hat’. I thought that was so neat!! Without sign, I wouldn't have known that my 1 year old was noticing hats!

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Crystal & Jeff Kobe

We first signed with our son when he was a baby and loved it so much that we did it again with our daughter.

It was cute to see their first signs but was even more rewarding after the age of one. They could tell us exactly what they wanted by signing – cracker, milk, water, play, help and much more.

It has benefited our household tremendously.

Once they started signing, the words came soon after. We highly recommend it!

Ashley and Cameron Gagnon

I really wanted my daughter to be able to communicate with me using sign language as I saw the success my sister had signing with her son. I read that it helped with children’s fine motor skills and language development and thought it would be a benefit to her. I had some signing books but wasn’t sure if I was using the signs correctly so I decided to take a class . . .

I have also been teaching her Spanish and reading Spanish books while signing. She confirmed to me the other day that she understands what I am saying, I asked her to get the book titled - “donde esta la oveja verde?” and she went to her book shelf and pulled out the correct book and brought it to me.

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Erin and Scarlett